11 May 2007

Dried monkey kanas

There was this Pa in my quartier selling dried monkey testicles (i must admit it...its worth tasting it)
and was making large sums of money from it , till one day Pa Zaccheaus his fellow friend came over and said 'Pa...you di make so much money from this your business and all small woman dem for village don run we poor people all.... you fit tell me your secrete?

Pa trusted his old time friend and decided he finally shows Pa Zaccheaus how he does it.
He asked Pa Zaccheaus to follow him to the bush along with a dog and a gun.

then later....
he told Pa Zaccheaus that his dog is a very good hunter and that all he does is he climbs on the tree where there are many monkeys and shakes it. Anything that falls down, immediately his dog cuts their 'kanases'... or testicles

Pa Zaccheaus said is that all....he said yes....then why do we need a gun for?!!

Pa responded...if I climb that tree and shake it and instead of the monkeys to fall,
I fall down PLEASE shoot the dog  !!! (understood)?

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